class MongoDB extends AbstractStorage

Class MongoDB Storage implementation using MongoDB.


__construct(string $host, string $database = 'phppromdb', string $collection = 'measurements', array $options = array(), array $driverOptions = array())

MongoDB constructor.

addAvailableMetric(string $metric, string $label, string $help, string $type, string $defaultValue)

Adds a metric to the available ones.


Gets all available metrics in an array.

storeMeasurement(string $metric, string $key, float $value)

Stores a measurement.

incrementMeasurement(string $metric, string $key)

Increments a measurement, starting with 1 if it doesn't exist yet.

getMeasurements(string $metric, array $keys, string $defaultValue = 'Nan')

Gets all measurements.


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__construct(string $host, string $database = 'phppromdb', string $collection = 'measurements', array $options = array(), array $driverOptions = array())

MongoDB constructor.


string $host a mongodb:// connection URI
string $database the database to use, defaults to "phppromdb"
string $collection the collection to use, defaults to "measurements"
array $options connection string options, defaults to []
array $driverOptions any driver-specific options not included in MongoDB connection spec, defaults to []

in AbstractStorage at line line 48
addAvailableMetric(string $metric, string $label, string $help, string $type, string $defaultValue)

Adds a metric to the available ones.


string $metric the metric itself as delivered by Prometheus
string $label the name of the one Prometheus label to categorize the values
string $help a helping text for the metric
string $type the Prometheus type of the metric
string $defaultValue the default value which the metric gets if there is no value stored

in AbstractStorage at line line 64
array getAvailableMetrics()

Gets all available metrics in an array.

Return Value

array the available metrics

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void storeMeasurement(string $metric, string $key, float $value)

Stores a measurement.


string $metric the name of the metric
string $key the key
float $value the value

Return Value


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void incrementMeasurement(string $metric, string $key)

Increments a measurement, starting with 1 if it doesn't exist yet.


string $metric the name of the metric
string $key the key

Return Value


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array getMeasurements(string $metric, array $keys, string $defaultValue = 'Nan')

Gets all measurements.


string $metric the name of the metric
array $keys the keys to retrieve
string $defaultValue the default value a key gets if there is no value for it in the storage

Return Value

array the map with the keys and values