-------------------------------------- CRUDlex\\SimpleFilesystemFileProcessor -------------------------------------- .. php:namespace: CRUDlex .. php:class:: SimpleFilesystemFileProcessor An implementation of the {@see FileProcessorInterface} simply using the file system. .. php:attr:: basePath protected Holds the base path where all files will be stored into subfolders. .. php:method:: getPath($entityName, Entity $entity, $field) Constructs a file system path for the given parameters for storing the file of the file field. :type $entityName: string :param $entityName: the entity name :type $entity: Entity :param $entity: the entity :type $field: string :param $field: the file field in the entity :returns: string the constructed path for storing the file of the file field .. php:method:: __construct($basePath = '') Constructor. :type $basePath: string :param $basePath: the base path where all files will be stored into subfolders .. php:method:: createFile(Request $request, Entity $entity, $entityName, $field) {@inheritdoc} :type $request: Request :param $request: :type $entity: Entity :param $entity: :param $entityName: :param $field: .. php:method:: updateFile(Request $request, Entity $entity, $entityName, $field) {@inheritdoc} For now, this implementation is defensive and doesn't delete ever. :type $request: Request :param $request: :type $entity: Entity :param $entity: :param $entityName: :param $field: .. php:method:: deleteFile(Entity $entity, $entityName, $field) {@inheritdoc} For now, this implementation is defensive and doesn't delete ever. :type $entity: Entity :param $entity: :param $entityName: :param $field: .. php:method:: renderFile(Entity $entity, $entityName, $field) {@inheritdoc} :type $entity: Entity :param $entity: :param $entityName: :param $field: