
class FileHandler

Handles the files.

property filesystem

protected FilesystemInterface

Brings the abstract access to the filesystem.

property entityDefinition

protected EntityDefinition

Holds the entity definition.

getPath($entityName, Entity $entity, $field)

Constructs a file system path for the given parameters for storing the file of the file field.

  • $entityName (string) – the entity name
  • $entity (Entity) – the entity
  • $field (string) – the file field in the entity

string the constructed path for storing the file of the file field

performOnFiles(Entity $entity, $entityName, $function)

Executes a function for each file field of this entity.

  • $entity (Entity) – the just created entity
  • $entityName (string) – the name of the entity as this class here is not aware of it
  • $function (Closure) – the function to perform, takes $entity, $entityName and $field as parameter
shouldWriteFile(AbstractData $data, Request $request, Entity $entity, $entityName, $action)

Writes the uploaded files.

  • $data (AbstractData) – the AbstractData instance who should receive the events
  • $request (Request) – the HTTP request containing the file data
  • $entity (Entity) – the just manipulated entity
  • $entityName (string) – the name of the entity as this class here is not aware of it
  • $action (string) – the name of the performed action

boolean true if all before events passed

__construct(FilesystemInterface $filesystem, EntityDefinition $entityDefinition)

FileHandler constructor.

  • $filesystem (FilesystemInterface) – the filesystem to use
  • $entityDefinition (EntityDefinition) – the entity definition to use
renderFile(Entity $entity, $entityName, $field)

Renders (outputs) a file of an entity. This includes setting headers like the file size, mimetype and name, too.

  • $entity (Entity) – the entity to render the file from
  • $entityName (string) – the name of the entity as this class here is not aware of it
  • $field (string) – the field of the entity containing the file to be rendered

StreamedResponse the HTTP streamed response

deleteFiles(AbstractData $data, Entity $entity, $entityName)

Deletes all files of an existing entity.

  • $data (AbstractData) – the AbstractData instance who should receive the events
  • $entity (Entity) – the entity to delete the files from
  • $entityName (string) – the name of the entity as this class here is not aware of it

boolean true on successful deletion

deleteFile(AbstractData $data, Entity $entity, $entityName, $field)

Deletes a specific file from an existing entity.

  • $data (AbstractData) – the AbstractData instance who should receive the events
  • $entity (Entity) – the entity to delete the file from
  • $entityName (string) – the name of the entity as this class here is not aware of it
  • $field (string) – the field of the entity containing the file to be deleted

bool true on successful deletion true on successful deletion

createFiles(AbstractData $data, Request $request, Entity $entity, $entityName)

Creates the uploaded files of a newly created entity.

  • $data (AbstractData) – the AbstractData instance who should receive the events
  • $request (Request) – the HTTP request containing the file data
  • $entity (Entity) – the just created entity
  • $entityName (string) – the name of the entity as this class here is not aware of it

boolean true if all before events passed

updateFiles(AbstractData $data, Request $request, Entity $entity, $entityName)

Updates the uploaded files of an updated entity.

  • $data (AbstractData) – the AbstractData instance who should receive the events
  • $request (Request) – the HTTP request containing the file data
  • $entity (Entity) – the updated entity
  • $entityName (string) – the name of the entity as this class here is not aware of it

boolean true on successful update