CRUD YAML Reference

Here is an overview of all possible CRUD YAML instructions. Be it optional or required, along with the default value or behaviour.

# an entity named "library" starts here, used in URLs and in some API functions
  # the label used in the UI like the navigation and flashes
  label: Library
  # the table of this entity in the data source
  table: library
  # if this property is given, then the named, referencing children of this
  # entity are listed on the details page
    # list the book children of a specific library entity, represented by
    # their title field
    book: title
  # activates the filter feature for all given fields
  filter: [name, isOpenOnSundays]
  # if this is set to true, the deletion of a parent with children referencing
  # it, causes no error but the deletion of the children, defaults to false
  deleteCascade: true
  # the size of one page on the list view, defaults to 25
  pageSize: 10
  # the initial sort field on the list view, defaults to created_at
  initialSortField: name
  # whether the list view is initially ascending (true) or descending (false)
  # sorted, defaults to true
  initialSortAscending: false
  # This will create a top level item in the navigation bar called "learning"
  # and put the library entity in a dropdown below the option. Defaults to
  # 'main' (The entity will be in the top level of the navigation bar)
  navBarGroup: learning
  # the displayed fields on the list view, defaults to id, created_at, updated_at,
  # and all given ones
  listFields: [id, created_at, updated_at, name, type, opening, isOpenOnSundays]
  # Whether the optimistic locking should be enabled. If this is false, the
  # version field is unused and so not needed. Defaults to true.
  optimisticLocking: true
  # the fields of this entity
    # the name of the field, must be identical to the column of the data source
      # the type of the field, in this case a single line text
      type: text
      # how the field is named in the UI, defaults to the field key if not given
      label: Name
      # whether this field is a required one when entering data in the UI
      required: true
      # whether the value of this field should occur only once, soft deleted rows
      # not counting
      unique: true
      # this field can have one value of a given set
      type: set
      # the allowed and presented values
      items: [small,medium,large]
      # this field represents a date and a time
      type: datetime
      # this field can either be true or false
      type: boolean
      # the user can't change the value, a predefined one is always taken,
      # useful for default values which might change to be editable in the
      # future
      type: fixed
      # the fixed value to take
      value: Earth
    # as this is one side of a many-to-many relationship, this field key
    # must be the name of the cross table
      # this field is one end of a many-to-many relationship
      type: many
        # the related entity
        entity: book
        # what field to take from the related entity to visualize it
        nameField: title
        # the column of the cross table pointing to this entity
        thisField: library
        # the column of the cross table pointing to the related entity
        thatField: book
        # if set to true, the reference will be displayed without its id
        hideId : false
      # this field is a text represented as URL in the UI
      type: url
  # the label which should be displayed if the "de" is selected as language
  label_de: Bücher
  table: book
  # database entries will be hard deleted for this entry
  hardDeletion: true
      type: text
      # the label which should be displayed if "de" is selected as language
      label_de: Titel
      type: text
      label: Author
      # the longer description explaining the field to the user on the details
      # and form page
      description: The Author of the Book
      # a multi line text field
      type: multiline
      # a visual WYSIWYM editor
      type: wysiwym
      # an integer field
      type: integer
      # a date field
      type: date
      # this field references another entity and so builds up an one-to-many relationship
      type: reference
      # the reference data
        # the referenced entity
        entity: library
        # what field to take from the related entity to visualize it, defaults to the id
        # if not given
        nameField: name
        # if set to true, the reference will be displayed without its id
        hideId : false
      # this field is a floating point number
      type: float
      # the precision of a single step in the UI
      floatStep: 0.1
        # this fields points to an uploaded file
        type: file
        # the sub path of the file processor to store the uploads of this field in
        path: uploads