Overriding Layouts ================== Each CRUDlex page extends from a certain layout with the default "@crud/layout.twig". In most cases you don't want to use this standard layout coming with CRUDlex. This chapter shows you how to define your own layout templates on various levels. First of all, you need to place the Twig-templates in a folder known by the Twig service provider. Assuming you have your templates in the folder __DIR__.'/../views', you initialize the Twig service provider like this: .. code-block:: php $app->register(new Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array( 'twig.path' => _ _DIR_ _.'/../views' )); A good starting point is the layout template coming with CRUDlex: src/views/layout.twig CRUDlex resolves the layout to use in an hierarchy. More specific layouts override the general ones. The following subchapters are ordered in this hierarchy, from general to specific. ------ Global ------ If you want to override the general layout of all CRUDlex pages, you set this property of your Silex Application instance: .. code-block:: php $app['crud.layout'] = 'myLayout.twig'; -------------- Single Actions -------------- You can override the layout of single actions: * create * list * show * edit Just prepend a dot and the desired action when defining the layout for it, for example the action "show": .. code-block:: php $app['crud.layout.show'] = 'myShowLayout.twig'; --------------- Single Entities --------------- To override the layout of a single entity, you prepend a dot and the desired entity name, for example for the book entity: .. code-block:: php $app['crud.layout.book'] = 'myBookLayout.twig'; --------------------------- Single Actions of an Entity --------------------------- The most specific layout you can set is for a single action of a specific entity. The prefix is a dot, the action another dot and the entity. To override the create action of the book entity, you would define your layout like this: .. code-block:: php $app['crud.layout.create.book'] = 'myCreateBookLayout.twig'; ---------------------------- Your own Layout from Scratch ---------------------------- If you want to start from scratch, it is recommended to use the layout coming with CRUDlex as a starting point: "vendor/philiplb/crudlex/src/views/layout.twig" This one shows a menu with all defined entities linking to their list view. First, you have to define a block called "content". This is where CRUDlex renders itself into: .. code-block:: twig {% block content %}{% endblock %} In the head-section, you should include the template "@crud/header.twig": .. code-block:: twig {% include '@crud/header.twig' %} This one includes all needed CSS files like Bootstrap 3 and the CSS of the datetime picker. Have a look at its content if you already include Bootstrap. At the bottom of the page before the closing body tag, you include the template "@crud/footer.twig": .. code-block:: twig {% include '@crud/footer.twig' %} It includes the JavaScript of: * jQuery * Bootstrap * Moment * Datetimepicker Plus it initializes the datepickers, the datetimepickers and tooltips. It's also recommended to include flashes in your own layout like this: .. code-block:: twig {% if app.session.flashBag is defined %} {% set flashTypeAvailable = [ 'success', 'danger'] %} {% for flashType in flashTypeAvailable %} {% for flash in app.session.flashBag.get(flashType) %}
{{ flash }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} And some CSS classes to implement: .. code-block:: css .btn-crudlex { margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px; } .tooltip-crudlex { cursor: pointer; }