----------------------------------------- CRUDlex\\EntityDefinitionFactoryInterface ----------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 EntityDefinitionFactory .. php:namespace: CRUDlex .. php:interface:: EntityDefinitionFactoryInterface Interface to make the creation of the EntityDefinitions flexible. To be handed into the ServiceProvider registration via the key "crud.entitydefinitionfactory". .. php:method:: createEntityDefinition($table, $fields, $label, $localeLabels, $standardFieldLabels, ServiceProvider $serviceProvider) Creates an EntityDefinition instance. :type $table: string :param $table: the table of the entity :type $fields: array :param $fields: the fieldstructure just like the CRUD YAML :type $label: string :param $label: the label of the entity :type $localeLabels: array :param $localeLabels: the labels of the entity in the locales :type $standardFieldLabels: array :param $standardFieldLabels: labels for the fields "id", "created_at" and "updated_at" :type $serviceProvider: ServiceProvider :param $serviceProvider: The current service provider :returns: EntityDefinition the new instance